War of Watercolor — 1

Creative ChaCha
4 min readNov 16, 2020


Yes, it IS a WAR!

Watercolor, also known as Aquarelle (French, from Italian diminutive of Latin aqua “water”) is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. The finish that this medium produces, is unparalleled in Art, forming a dynamic transparent color texture. If you’re thinking “Oh well, it's still paint and brushes”, it takes a bit more than just filling paper to make something so volatile with water. So, the question is,

What is the difference that matters while doing Watercolor?

Some of the factors which gets you a good hand at Watercolors are -
- Spontaneity — How spontaneous are you with colors and mixes? Watercolor is definitely NOT about being specific or realistic every time.

However, it matters how well you handle the hues when they go away from the ones in your imagination.
- Flexibility — How flexibly your hands move across the paper? This medium is NOT like others because the paint isn’t thick which has to be spread with repetitive brush strokes. It’s as flexible as running water itself, and it's really the soft touches of brush that matter here.
- Speed — How fast you can paint across the sheet? If you are looking to make a good outcome, in Watercolor, you have to handle all of your paper areas at once, without delay! Are you up for it?

Want me to reveal the big SECRET of becoming GOOD at WATERCOLOR??

Its Practise. The more you spend time with your tools and a painting, the bond between your Brushes, paper, colors, and Water becomes strong.

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Now, let’s talk about this painting above. Let me take you step-by-step through the process -

Base Wash-
This is what I call the Glue of a painting. It is the mix of colors that sticks the different parts of the painting. So when I do the detailing later on the different subjects, they all look to be in the same environment.
I can identify this wash as ONE BASE COLOR, spread with different tones and shades for different elements. Here, I wanted to paint a boat sailing in the sunset. For that, I had to drift towards warm colors for the painting. I applied a wash of Yellow Ochre with Gamboge Hue. Now, it has to be kept in mind that all of the tones should mix evenly together, which is why this wash has to be sped up. I applied the yellow wash simultaneously with adding darker tones, just soft strokes, for a hint of cloudy effect. (Watch the video on Youtube HERE!)
I shifted my focus towards the bottom half of the page and applied a wash of Prussian Blue mixed with Crimson Red, while the paper was wet. The hills on the Horizon are painted with very thin shade(more water less color mixed) of Yellow Ochre and Burnt Sienna, which gave it a hint of perspective, far away from our vision. I used flat brush strokes to create the wavy texture of water. Don’t worry about it. WATCH THE VIDEO and PRACTISE.

I wanted to show light filtering through the Rocks on the left. I decided to use a hint of Burnt Sienna for the inner edge of the rocks, (since brown is considered a bright color) and the rest of the rocks in a cooler tone of Prussian, Crimson, and Sienna mixed. I did it in a heavier color and water mix to make it look nearer to the vision. The finish was Awesome!

Now for the final stage, I had to detail out the boat because it was the Focal Point of the painting. Hence it had to have the most amount of details for the eye to catch.
The finished painting had a glow of Yellow, depicting a Warm Atmosphere, and amazing composition of Rocks and the Boat as a focal point.

So, GO. Grab your kit of watercolor and start today! Water might only become a friend of yours if you spend enough time with it!

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